Kompi Safelink Version 3 and Version 4


Safelink's simple function is to switch all external links automatically to a special page that displays the actual link. Safelink will automatically encode external links on the main blog which will be clicked on when the external link will enter a special page. Safelink premium uses random posts, so the external links on the main blog will be encrypted which will then be redirected to a special page randomly post (not transferred to just one page). Safelink is safe for Adsense ads. Now if you use Adsense, Safelink should use HTTPS and submit it in the Google Search Console so that Adsense ads can appear properly. This Safelink is for blogspot, but must use a custom domain or TLD to avoid errors. Next is a screenshot of the homepage, postpage, and postpage on mobile.

Remove loading effects so that templates load faster.
Minimize the intro header on the homepage so that it's simpler.
Bring up the intro header in postpage to display ads.
Add an anti-boom code to click ads.
Add transfer UC Browser to Google Chrome on mobile.
And tidy up some other parts to make it simpler.
It's simple, just suck directly

Support Template UpdateRemove Footer CreditsFor Unlimited DomainsNo Encrypted ScriptsAnd Many More...

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Thanks for reading: Kompi Safelink Version 3 and Version 4, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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